February's Member Webinar: The Pathways to Big Pivots
Featuring Susan Mernit and Fran Hauser on Wednesday February 19, 11:30AM PT/2:30PM ET
February is Pivot Month at Optionality, and this month’s member* webinar will explore the pivots of our two speakers, Fran Hauser and Susan Mernit. Each represents a path many of us may imagine.
Have a dream of opening a brick-and-mortar space dedicated to something you love? Fran opened a bookstore!
Dream of retiring but not sure you want to stop working? Susan "retired" for about six months and returned with a refreshed set of life priorities and a new consulting practice focused on something new and intriguing.
There are many inspirations for pivots and many consequences. We will ask Fran and Susan to share some of the details around their big pivots, including some questions that reflect the universal elements of dreaming up and executing a big pivot, including:
What triggers lead to considering a career pivot?
What is the decision-making process once you acknowledge that trigger?
What can ground you in the midst of the uncertainty of a pivot?
How do you handle the practical considerations...from money to healthcare to getting up to speed in new skills required?
How do you position your talents from one area to the "buyers" in the next area?
Our webinars are intimate and interactive meetings where you can take the opportunity to ask questions live. If you cannot attend live, we will send the recording to everyone who registers.
Our speakers:
Fran Hauser is a bestselling author, keynote speaker, champion of women in the workplace, and a LinkedIn Top Voice. Fran is a former Fortune 500 executive and active start-up investor. Last year, Fran combined her passion for storytelling and community-building by opening Bedford Books.
Susan Mernit has been an exec in tech, shifted to founding locally-focused non-profits before eventually taking over as executive director of a beloved local artisan space. After a retirement (that turned out to be more of a sabbatical), she now consults with non-profits about leveraging AI in their operations.
Join us to hear their stories. We hope they share insights that support your story, no matter what stage you are in!
* Optionality webinars are for Optionality members, free of charge. By registering for this webinar, you agree to receive Optionality’s free newsletters for Public members. You may unsubscribe or upgrade to Premium membership at any time.