Happy March! Which can only mean both Spring and the end of Q1 is here. As always, we have a lot going on for both Public and Premium members.
Following is a list of all our events. [Premium members: The access links are shared both after the paywall and in the Slack #events channel.]
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Bi-Weekly Conversationality live video podcast
Thursday March 6th and March 20th, 10AM PT/1PM ET
(Open to all members)
We stream Conversationality to YouTube Live now, so you can watch in real time (and, of course, we still send the recording via newsletter afterward). The topic for March 6th? In honor of Women's History Month,
and I will each share three women we think you should follow! right! now!Watch live: https://www.youtube.com/@Optionality4Life
Bi-weekly Personal Positioning Working Group
Thursday March 6th and March 20th, 11AM PT/2PM ET
(Premium members only)
Every other week, a group of Optionality Premium members gathers to help each other better define and articulate the unique value they offer.
March Office Hours
Wednesday March 12th, 12PM PT/3PM ET
(Premium members only)
A monthly convening where we check in and try to connect the dots between what members need and what they can offer and, always, how we can help!
March Member Webinar
Wednesday March 19th, 12PM PT/3PM ET
(Open to all members)
March’s topic is about explicitly building services, platforms, tools, and products for women customers. Why, what, and how...especially when women are not some monolith who all like and want the same things! Featuring Carrier Kerpen, founder of The Whisper Group.
RSVP: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/h_jHSIikTuSHztaWi8zrcg
Optionality book club
Friday March 21st, 3PM PT/6PM ET
(Premium members only)
This month’s book is The Search: Finding Meaningful Work in a Post-Career World by Bruce Feiler.
We hope to see you at one or more of our member events, and if you’re interested in learning about Premium membership and the benefits in addition to the Premium events listed above, check it out here.