Optionality Community Guidelines

Optionality is a community for experienced professionals who want to build a better NOW of work. 

We have just two rules:

  1. We embrace civil discourse, including civil disagreement, and

  2. We decline to publish unacceptable content.


  1. We embrace civil discourse, including civil disagreement

    As a community devoted to convening a diverse and different conversation about the sometimes fraught topic of work, the workplace, and the workforce-related policies and practices of organizations, we agree to agree and to disagree – as strongly as need be – without crossing the boundaries into unacceptable content (see below).

  2. We decline to publish unacceptable content

    Everything published in Optionality’s owned spaces (namely, Substack, Slack, AirTable) is content: Your posts, comments, messages, poll responses, audio, video, text, images, you name it. We embrace your diversity of opinions and values (see above) but we insist that your content may not include anything unacceptable.

We define unacceptable content as anything included or linked that is:

a. Being used to abuse, harass, stalk or threaten a person or persons

b. Libelous, defamatory, knowingly false or misrepresents another person

c. Infringes upon any copyright, trademark, trade secret or patent of any third party. (If you quote or excerpt someone's content, it is your responsibility to provide proper attribution to the original author. For a clear definition of proper attribution and fair use, please see The Electronic Frontier Foundation's Legal Guide for Bloggers at this URL: http://www.eff.org/bloggers/lg/.)

d. Violates any obligation of confidentiality

e. Violates the privacy, publicity, moral, or any other right of any third party

f. Contains editorial content that has been commissioned and paid for by a third party, (either cash or goods in barter), and/or contains paid advertising links and/or spam. For Optionality’s purposes, we define spam as anything that is nonsense unrelated to the discussion, either in community posts or comments on posts. This nonsense may take classic form (e.g., simple links to unrelated content that are often advertising or e-commerce) or more insidious form.

Please note: Optionality does not provide professional advice, diagnosis or treatment of any kind – medical, legal, professional or personal. The opinions you read on this site are those of members of the community, not necessarily those of Optionality LLC.

Optionality’s co-founders and staff define and determine what is "unacceptable content" on a case-by-case basis-and our definitions are not limited to this list. We reserve the right to change these standards at any time with no notice. We also reserve the right to remove links to any content at any time.

We welcome your help upholding these community guidelines. If you are concerned about any content you see on this network, we urge you to contact us about that content. Thank you for working with us to create a great environment for the Optionality community.

Optionality Use of Email Policy

At times, Optionality holds free member events, including webinars and livestreams. When non-members provide an email to register for such events, they agree to receive Optionality’s no-cost member newsletters as a Public member. The only usage of such email addresses is to receive no-cost newsletters. Any member can unsubscribe or upgrade at any time from any newsletter.