Dec 12, 2023Liked by Elisa Camahort Page

I am neurotic which keeps me on track with habits or I might die a thousand psychological deaths. I could however add eating a real dinner instead of the glob of cottage cheese I throw in a bowl with tomatoes. I can relate to the night time skin care routine because the bed is calling! good ideas here

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Thanks Gail. Yes, it's that's staring in the face of the failure on some of these habits that makes me anxious and makes me want to shed some of them.

I feel you on dinner, I used to grab a starch (rice, potatoes, pasta) and melt some cheese on it to make dinner. When I went vegan (back when there were NO good vegan cheese options) I had to get a little more creative LOL

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023Liked by Elisa Camahort Page

Great post, Elisa! This year I developed a daily exercise habit of 20-30 minutes of yoga (Yoga with Adrienne videos), 20-30 minutes cardio / strength (Pahla B videos), and 20-30 minutes of walking. The things that have helped me keep these habits are:

1. Activity enjoyment. Finding Yoga for Adrienne and Pahla B videos has helped so much. I find their videos fun. Pahla B talks A LOT, so I turn off the volume and listen to podcasts while I follow along with her movement, which makes it even more fun because then I'm doing 2 things I enjoy at once!

2. Manageable blocks of amount of time. I can usually squeeze in 20-30 minutes chunks.

3. Right time of day, which you also touched on, Elisa. I find that if I do the Pahla B video and Yoga for Adrienne videos in the morning, they go much faster (probably because I'm less tired). Taking a walk in the afternoon helps me feel better after sitting all day.

4. Understanding limits. After numerous injuries that have stopped my exercise progress, I've learned that I have to make modifications in order to exercise daily, or I get injured (e.g. I have a messed up toe, so I do a modified plank. I have a messed elbow, so I use lighter weights).

5. Sharing progress with a friend. Every day after I exercise I text one of my oldest friends to say I did it. It doesn't 'cause a heavy lift on her part. She just gives it a heart, or thumbs up.

6. Understanding what drives me. I love lists, order, and counting -- as evidenced by this comment ( : One of the reasons I like Yoga with Adrienne and Pahla B videos is that they have 30-day series, so as I make my way through (day 1, day, 2, day 3, etc.) I feel like I'm making progress.

7. Having a larger, positive vision. This is really the most important piece. I have people in my family who exercised and people who did not. As they aged, the ones who exercised aged waaaaaay better mentally and physically than the ones who didn't. I want to be able to do as many things as possible when I'm 60, 70, 80, 90. I go back to that positive vision when I don't feel like putting on my sneaks.

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Wow, thanks for sharing this detail, Britt, really helpful and actionable. Maybe I should get back to Paula B and do the whole listen-to-something-else thing too. I did like her videos when Jory turned me on to them.

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Love this Britt. I think you identified the reason why I've stuck with Pahla B (after you recommended her): She's short and sweet. 20 minutes feels like a treat to myself, not a dreaded additional piece of work after a long day.

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I'm trying to incorporate time into my day for friends and family outreach. I find that when I get bogged down in projects/work I drop all other communication. It got so bad that my daughter's teacher reached out and was like, "so you want to schedule a parent-teacher conference or not?" I was breaking my own rules for prioritizing what I consider sacrosanct. So now I get up 30 minutes earlier to check emails and personal mail. And I TRY not to look at work email while doing it. I've been largely successful and am noticeably happier because I feel like I've taken care of myself and others before dipping into the work day.

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Thought I'd report back on Do-or-Die December. According to my habit app, Strides, here's how I did:

-I practiced piano 8x in December. Which qualifies as 2x/week. I've increased my goal to 3x/week for 2024 and have bought some new sheet music to keep me interested. (I use the app MusicNotes.)

-I did movement outside my morning walk 14 x in December, which does hit my 3x/week goal. For 2024 I've broken it down a bit more to say I will do free weights 3x/week and do some other movement 3x/week.

-I did my nighttime skin routine 20x in December...a big improvement. I'm keeping it as a daily habit.

-I cooked something healthy 12x in December, so at the 3x/week I had set as a goal. I've set my vegan cookbook challenge for 2024, and have made recipes from week #1's book 2x so far this week.

I think I'm doing pretty well.

I also added a couple of other new habits for 2024...Most notably I want to do a daily 15-minute de-clutter, and I want to be more intentional about checking in with friends via text or phone call. I'm feeling pretty good here on day #4 of the year, anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️

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