I remember exactly what happened when I decided to go all in on ambition and career accomplishment. One major result was that I stopped participating in what had once been my vocation and had already become an avocation, but the one I most passionately pursued: Theatre.

I reasoned that I couldn't afford to have a commitment requiring me to be out of the office by a particular time or that would forestall me taking on travel. I may not have been working 24/7 all the time, but I had to be unencumbered and ready to do so to achieve what I wanted.

And I did achieve most of the things I wanted.

But now, I guess I am post-ego death, and it does run across my mind now and then...could I ever go back and do theatre again? Or is there some other way I should be scratching that creative itch? Not because I have ambitious goals for it, but because I simply loved it.

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There's a little theater in town that shows musicals for a song. And I'm pretty sure ALL of the adults in the shows have day jobs. I doubt they are still hoping to make it to Broadway someday. They are doing what they love and making it home in time for dinner.

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