Mar 26Liked by Elisa Camahort Page

I feel so seen! I’ve also prioritized “just showing up” and have realized that being the goal in and of itself, well, doesn’t serve me well now. I’m working on being more discerning, more aware of what I actually want, both in the now and for the future. How wonderfully freeing and also, sometimes, terrifying!

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Mar 26Liked by Elisa Camahort Page, Jory Des Jardins

I have been thinking a lot about how to live my life so I don't feel like I need a vacation from it. Being able to relish at least a little "me" time every day is a big piece of that. Doing things for my family and my career and even my health is great, but it's not going to make me feel like I'm thriving. And the funny thing is that it doesn't have to be anything special - for me it's at least a half hour a day where I'm not rushing to do ANYTHING. I hurtle myself through most days - in order to hit the gym at lunch, I have timed out how long it takes to drive home, rinse off in the shower, change my clothes, warm up my lunch and hit my Zoom seat (23 minutes). I carve out time to focus on my daughter when she's home from college, to listen to my husband talk about his day, to call my parents on the weekends - but I wasn't carving out any time to just exist and reflect on what I want out of life. This is my 2024 goal!

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Mar 26Liked by Elisa Camahort Page, Jory Des Jardins

OMG... this is soooo me! I am so happy in many ways today, but gosh, I miss a great deal of my past life. Thanks for helping me 'work through' my twisted and sometimes competitive POVs on this.

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Mar 26Liked by Elisa Camahort Page, Jory Des Jardins

Jory, this is exceptional. Wow... I don't even know where to start. I think we all are finding our paths to being more intentional and standing in our own power, with true agency, to choose what serves us. Thanks for sharing your words - they align with so much of what is on so many of our hearts.

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Mar 26Liked by Elisa Camahort Page, Jory Des Jardins

I love everything about this article and absolutely feel your shift! It’s amazing how literally running ourselves ragged felt like a badge of honor. As I’m settling into our new life in Miami, I’ve been reconnecting with old colleagues in a new way and I feel in control, following my terms and I love it! Thank you for the assurance to stay the course!

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Jory! I am so grateful to Elisa’s This Week-ish for linking to your piece. Thank you for your clarity and honesty.

The post pandemic shift resonates as I’ve oscillated between mourning, glamorizing, and “good riddance’ing” who I was before we were all forced to slow down and reevaluate our relationship to work, travel, RTR subscriptions, and late stage capitalism. (especially now that I have an amazing partner and an 11 month old!)

You’ve so eloquently and honestly put words to what I and clearly so many others feel. Again, thank you 🫶🏻 And excited to be a regular reader now!

p. s. also loved “running into” @Kathleen Warner in the comments. She and I just had lunch a few weeks back and what a delight that was. Perhaps the equivalent of the girl scouts mom moment, as SXSW and other events swirled around in the zeitgeist and we soaked up sun without badges or anywhere else to be but with one another 🥰

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